All language is not created equal. It can be verydifficult to learn a foreign language if you are not living in the countrywhere that language is spoken. The Rosetta stone is a verycomprehensive language learning program that offers opportunities forlistening, speaking, reading and writing, thus making it a good choice forthose who want to learn how to speak the language, as opposed to learning viathe textbook method, which often result in individuals being able to read thelanguage better than being able to speak it.
The latest version of the software is Version 4 Rosetta stone totale butsome of the languages are still in version 2 or 3. In version 2, theinstructions take form of a unit of lessons. Lessons’ topics are based on awide range including simple grammatical concepts and certain specific topics.With each lesson, there are exercises based on listening, reading and speaking.Rosettastone v3, instructions are in the form of four units per languagelevel. Each unit consists of four core lessons, each approximately 30 minuteslong. At the end of each unit is a milestone that reviews the unit’s materialin an interactive activity.
The method used is modeled after immersion. Although somewhat pricey, ataround $200, each set of software offers up to 400 hours of instruction. Howmany hours of instruction you receive from the software will depend on how manycompetencies you wish to learn. For example, if you are not interested inlearning writing, you will spend far fewer hours working with the Rosettastone torrents. Each unit builds on the vocabulary and structures ofthe unit before it, which is sound language learning instruction. Within eachunit, you have the option to set the program where you both read and hear thewords being spoken, only hear the words, have the option of typing the words orspeaking the words into a microphone. This latter feature is intended for useas a tool for the software to check your accent, with an indicator bar givingyou the green light if your accent is up to par. However, the voice recognitionsoftware focuses on tonal sounds. I, with my near-perfect Spanish accent, wasunable to get out of the red, while my teenage son, a new learner, was able toget the green light every time. I lowered my voice to the timbre of his, andthe cheap Rosetta stone Spanish gave me the greenlight. Unfortunately, soon after, my son discovered that if he made up nonsensewords but said them with the same inflection and deep tone of voice, that theprogram would give him the green light.
Even with its language recognition difficulties, at least with the LatinAmerican version, Rosetta stone software is far above thecompetition. If you are seeking to learn a language in a fun, natural way, andcan’t leave the country for a few months for a natural immersion experience, Rosettastone is the way to go. Even if you can leave the country, take Rosettastone with you as a tutor. With its online portability, you will find that itcan enhance your language learning experience anywhere.