Rosetta stonelanguage learning software is an innovative and interactive program thatteaches you a language by totally immersing you into the language from themoment you log in to your first lesson.
I've always had the desire to learn a new language. I soonrealized that Spanish would probably be the most beneficial language for livingand working in the US.I first purchased the buy Rosetta stone Spanish about 2 yearsago and have been using it fairly consistently since then. I have completelyfinished level one and am well into level two.
I found the lessons to be easy to follow. The images reallyhelp Spanish students to connect the meaning of words with the visualreinforcement.
The vocabulary easily is easy to learn, but sometimes it isnecessary to refer to a Spanish-English dictionary for help. There arethousands of words and sentences that can be learned from using Rosettastone. However, if you are planning on becoming completely fluent inthe Spanish language, you need more than just this language learning software.
Hardest thing to learn from Rosettastone Spanish software is comprehension during conversations. Whensomeone speaks to me in Spanish, I often find it hard to keep up. From usingthe program, I can understand the words that they are saying, butit sometimes takes a moment to interpret it. I know that this will get easierwith time, but my ability to speak, read, and write Spanish seems to havedeveloped quicker. Overall, my experience withRosetta stone Spanish has beenexcellent. Before getting Rosetta, a friend of mine who isMexican was tutoring me in Spanish. A few months into the program, hecomplemented me on how much my ability to speak the language had improved.
Rosetta Chinese
Spanish is apopular and beautiful language; many people around the world want to know.European uses it for regular communication with one another. Nowadays in themarket place, many language-learning programs have come out to help peoplelearn Spanish. However, a new method for achieving language is to usessoftware. Along with language learning software programs available on themarket recently, Rosetta stone stands very enjoyable bySpanish learners. It provides a number of benefits to those attending.
Rosetta stone for Spanish focuses on teaching using a natural immersion process. The software isdesigned to allow students to learn Spanish the same way that they learnedtheir native language. Rosetta Spanish language uses imagescombined with spoken and written words to help students connect with theSpanish language without the need for translation. For this reason, there is nouse of English in any of the lessons. This allows students to learn Spanishinstead of learning to just translate words and phrases in the context on one'sown native language. The concept is similar to the way young children learntheir first language. They must rely on visual and audible sources to createmeanings for words and phrases without having the knowledge of a priorlanguage.
Learn Spanish Rosetta stone offers two versions of their Spanish program. Spanish (Spain) focuses on a dialect that is primarilyused in Europe while Spanish (Latin America) focuses on dialects used inCentral and South America.
There are also two choices for accessing the languagelearning software. One option is to purchase the software CDs and install themon the home computer. This allows you to have permanent access to the softwareas long as you still have the disks. The other option is a 12-month onlinesubscription to Rosetta stone totale course. Bothoptions also come with audio CDs to play or download to an MP3 player for additional learning on the go.
More and more people learn foreign language, but noteveryone can grasp well, In addition to mother tongue I have also learned aforeign language, but in the process of learning I think some tough. Then myteacher would recommend I use 11, what 11 is like? Let me introduce you about Rosettastone language learning software.
The Rosettastone language learning program is one of the most effective methods touse when you want to learn a foreign language. Here is why it will be one thebest methods to learning a new language naturally fast.
There areplenty of language learning programs available; but most of them use audio cdsor videos, which are hardly interactive and not nearly as effective as the Rosettastone program.
With thepurchase of the software program you can choose to download it to yourcomputer, and you can also receive a headset and microphone as the program usesinteractive voice recognition software. With a headset the program allows you tocompare the way you speak to native speakers, allowing your to constantlyimprove your pronunciation. In this way, you can immediately start to relatepictures to words and speak the words, gaining an instant understanding of thelanguage.
Funnily enough,this is much the same way that you learned how to speak when you were a smallchild and hence it is one of the most effective ways to learning naturallyfast.
Theinteractive learning process used in the Rosetta stone language learning softwareis a method that will leave you with knowledge of the language, rather thanjust memorizing and repeating words. Instead, you will learn a language insideand out from basic words to sentence structure and finally moving on toconversing in the language.
You caninstantly track your Rosetta stone language courses to seeexactly what you have learned along the way with a very good progress chart,which shows you what you have learned and what you have yet to learn within theprogram.
Thecombination of vocabulary and use of grammar within the context of normalconversation is reinforced throughout the learning process, which assists youin being able to use the language that you have learned in a conversationalway.
This is theultimate goal, of course, in learning a new language. What is the point ofmemorizing words, but not being able to use them in a sentence or aconversation? There is no point, and that is why it is extremely important touse your time wisely and learn the language correctly the first time.
The RosettaStone Endangered Language Program works with native groups to customize Rosettastone software for exclusive use in language revitalization. Eachrevitalization project builds on the company’s mission to help people improvetheir lives and make the world a better place by delivering the besttechnology-based solutions for learning languages. A natural choice forlanguage-revitalization programs, stone Rosetta helps learners developeveryday proficiency the same natural way people everywhere learn their firstlanguages, by directly associating new words and structures with real-lifemeaning. This approach allows Rosetta stone to customize the context of meaningfor endangered languages. Languages selected for software preservation –including Mohawk (Kanien’kéha); the North Slope, Coastal and Kobuk/Selawikdialects of Iñupiaq in Alaska; Inuttitut in Labrador, Canada; Chitimacha inLouisiana and Navajo of the American Southwest –are produced by Rosettastone language course and are distributed exclusively by the sponsoringgroup.
Language-LearningProvider Helps Promote Native American Language Use among Younger Generations
Arlington,VA (August 24, 2010) – Rosetta Stone Inc. (NYSE: RST), a leading provider oftechnology-based language learning solutions, announced today the release ofthe Navajo- language version of Rosetta Stone® software for use by Navajo inlanguage revitalization. Though Navajo is the most-spoken Native Americanlanguage north of Mexico(still spoken by more than 100,000 people), its use and fluency among youngergenerations is in dramatic decline. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only50 percent of Navajo ages 17 and under were able to speak their native languageat all in 2000. Rosetta Stone Navajo software will be available for use inNavajo Nation schools, homes and chapter houses in an effort to help reversethis decline.
“We’reexcited that the Rosetta stone English can play a rolein encouraging younger generations to use the Navajo language,” said MarionBittinger, manager of the Endangered Language Program. “We’re optimistic ourwork with indigenous groups will be a step toward reversing the tide of globallanguage extinction.”
The Navajosoftware will be sold through Navajo Language Renaissance, a nonprofits groupof Navajo educators from the tri-state area of Arizona,New Mexico and Utah. In December 2007, with theendorsements of the Department of Diné Education and the Navajo Board ofEducation, the project was launched in Window Rock, Arizona. More than one hundred Navajocontributed to the project by providing language expertise, photos, audiorecordings and logistical and cultural support. Development of Rosetta StoneNavajo was made possible through a Rosetta English company grant, and allproceeds from the sale of the software will go toward future initiatives torevitalize the Navajo language.
“The RosettaStone software will greatly help our Heritage Language Program alreadyin place in our school district. Students will have a great opportunity tolearn the Navajo language at their own pace,” said Clayton Long, director ofbilingual education for San Juan School District in Utah. “rosetta stone Korean Rosettastone version 3 will be a medium to bridge generations and revitalizethe Navajo language.”
With the Rosetta Stone Language Software, youwill learn all four language skills quickly (listening, speaking, reading, andwriting) with no tedious translation or memorization. The Rosetta stone Foreign Language learningsoftware enables you to learn a foreign languagethrough a series of fully interactive step-by-step methods.
Rosetta stone by Fairfield languages isavailable in 27 languages. Its methodology is to teach a second language in thesame manner that a first language is acquired; they call it a natural learningprocess. Instead of drilling vocabulary lists and having studentstranslate words from the target language to their primary language; Rosetta Russian Level 1 & 2 uses a nativespeaker of the target language to recite a word or phrase, and then ironicallyassociates it with an image and as written text. In the Russian Languageprogram “the boy jumps” is spoken in Russian, written in Russian, and depictedin an image among a choice of four photographs. The student is to selectthe corresponding picture from the four choices, i.e. the picture of a boyjumping. Rosetta stone ultimate language assumesthat by matching the word or phrase with an image, students will developstrategies for assigning patterns and associations in order to further learn ontheir own.
I’m using it to learn Russian, and wasenjoying it until I went to check for online reviews. I’ve been reading thatpeople find that Rosetta Stone may have some spelling and grammatical errors.This worries me as I don’t want to invest so much time only to learn somethingthe wrong way.
I still like it as it immerses me and I canpick up the letters, spelling, writing, and pronunciation, but I am worried Ihave no idea as to what some of the words mean as you can just simply guessyour way through. I worry that Rosetta software discount is not gonnaexplain anything about sentence structure in the other languages, like howthere may be more than one word to describe the same thing, and when is theproper situation to use them.